
[檔案管理] dsCRC dsMD5 dsSHA 不到 10 KB 的 Hash 雜湊值計算工具!超小!

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性質 freeware/en/Windows
大小 低於 10 KB

dsCRC dsMD5 dsSHA 這三個是我用過最方便、最小的 Hash 雜湊值計算小程式了
免安裝,隨時帶著走,統統不到 10 KB,光一個圖檔就比它們還大( ̄▽ ̄)o/

dsCRC v1.01 [5kB]
dsMD5 v1.02 [6kB]
dsSHA v1.02 [7kB]

雙擊該程式是沒有用的,沒計算功能,只會問你是否 Update,而且也好幾年沒有 update 啦

將檔案拖曳到 dsMD5.exe 程式上方後放開,計算完 md5 值就會跳出對話視窗
依需求看是要將 Hash 值 copy 到剪貼簿或是另存成 .txt 檔

反正有時候只是臨時要比對一下 Hash 值,看看有無錯誤罷了

下圖是將所有步驟合起來,懶得分解動作了 =3=

分享一個小技巧:放在下方工具列,就可以隨時用,只要拖曳下來就馬上計算啦 (* ̄▽ ̄)/

ps. 另外兩篇的 Hash 工具也很好用喔
HashTab Shell Extension 方便的 Hash 計算工具 (方便好用,馬上計算,需安裝)
FsumFrontend 功能最強大的 Hash 計算工具 (功能眾多,支援96種 Hash計算,免安裝)

另外剛剛的 Extra Downloads 裡面也有很多好用的小工具喔
Taskill v1.02 [6kB]
Taskill is a process viewer and killer. It works in GUI or CLI mode and can kill multiple instances of the same task in one go.

FineSplit v1.05 [5kB]
FineSplit splits a file into floppy sized parts and creates a merging batch file to reassemble the pieces into a copy of the original file. Unlike other file splitters, it will also permit the user to define the exact size of each separate piece as an option.
Options: edit this INI file to change the default part size, define individual part sizes, or other settings.

Autorun v1.00 [4kB]
Autorun works with "autorun.inf" and opens any associated file:
open=autorun.exe index.html (...for example)

FreeZip v1.4.9
FreeZip is a small, fast and efficient Zip utility for compression and decompression of files and directories in Windows 9x/2k, which can also be used from the command-line or in batch files.

